"I'm an artist and your blood is my paint and you skin is my canvas"
"I'm an artist and your blood is my paint and you skin is my canvas"- Sinsterkid
nevver: Skull and Crossbones sugar cubes
psychofactz: More Facts on Psychofacts :)
found my demon plays well
found my demon plays well
I won't be affected by horizontal circumstances because I'm stabilized thorough my vertical connection.
On almost every tumblr page people say talk to me or ask me questions, but when you try to talk to them or ask them questions they act like they don’t want to be bothered…… people so confused now a day it’s like they don’t know what they want.
albotas: Super Nintendo Revolution This SNES redesign concept...
Super Nintendo Revolution
This SNES redesign concept by Alejandro Duque keeps is the same look you know and love with some minor aesthetic upgrades like a sleek new paint job, ergonomic wireless controllers, and a USB drive in place of a cartridge slot.,
tropi-cal-oasis: pura-kai: follow me for more tropical ☼ ✿ ✌...
follow me for more tropical ☼ ✿ ✌ ☮
Six types of Love
a passionate physical and emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love
a love that is played as a game or sport; conquest; may have multiple partners at onceStorge
an affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship, based on similarityPragma
love that is driven by the head, not the heartMania
obsessive love; experience great emotional highs and lows; very possessive and often jealous loversAgape
selfless altruistic love; spiritual
queerpong: how many shirts is this guy wearing
how many shirts is this guy wearing
tarynel: God damn.
God damn.
spiritgun: me
wotdafuck: ♡♡♡
muslimmilf: racism is over
racism is over
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