воскресенье, 9 июня 2013 г.

STFU, Conservatives

thepoliticalfreakshow: The Heritage Foundation's Michael...


The Heritage Foundation's Michael Needham posts an open letter encouraging Speaker Boehner and Eric Cantor not to vote on anything, because "it would be imprudent to do anything that shifts the focus" from "Americans' outrage over Benghazi."

God forbid the Republican House should waste any time actually governing and doing the job Americans sent them to do, like work on the economy or pass a budget!

whoneedsfeminism: I need feminism because when my fellow female Marine defended herself from...


I need feminism because when my fellow female Marine defended herself from sexual assault by punching her attacker in the face, she was NJPed (non-judicial punishment) for assault and underage drinking. Her attacker received no punishment.

chlzz: vaporheart: theniggaskaramazov: White Student Union...




White Student Union (Vice Documentary)


If you haven't seen this yet and enjoy feeling stomach-wrenchingly nauseous for twenty-one minutes straight I highly suggest you check it out.

I cannot believe I watched this entire thing.

"I feel like every man who has ever tried to convince me to take some rando shouting "Hey girl, nice..."


I feel like every man who has ever tried to convince me to take some rando shouting "Hey girl, nice ass" at me as a compliment sees it this way: You're sitting outside some Italian café in a Betty Draper dress sipping a prosecco when all of a sudden your dainty neck scarf flies off in the light breeze. Joseph Gordon Levitt, wearing a linen suit with a pocket square and no socks with his penny loafers, steps off his Vespa and hands it to you while saying something witty about how it's almost as beautiful as you are. You then both ride off into the sunset, laughing as Dean Martin plays in the background and the director yells cut on the espresso commercial that is your life.

In reality, it's you getting yelled at by a bunch of sweaty men standing outside a bar at eight in the morning, telling you about how fuckable you look in your sweatpants when you're just trying to get a bottle of milk in peace like a goddamn human being. And it is the opposite of a compliment.



7 Things Women Will Always Have To Explain To Men (via cybertronian)

FUCKING THIS. I had to sit for almost half of my hour lunch the other day and explain to a co-worker why street harassment DOES NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES flatter me.

(via mochrie-rocks)

And sorry, even if you're JGL, shouting "nice tits!" at me, wolf whistling, or driving up next to me and beeping your horn will never be flattering. It's creepy and degrading and makes me fear for my safety.

(via feministfeels)

I was trying to explain this to one of my guy friend's the other day, and I just couldn't articulate. But this explains it perfectly.

(via cookiecakes)

giovanelupo: kindaskimpy: Remember a few months ago when...



Remember a few months ago when Marine Captain Matthew Phelps proposed to his boyfriend, Ben Schock, inside the White House and he said yes?

Well, they tied the knot this past weekend!

gives me hope.

bebinn: How To Identify Crisis Pregnancy Centers Crisis...


How To Identify Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Crisis pregnancy centers, or pregnancy resource centers, disguise themselves as medical facilities, but usually have no licensed doctors, nurses or counselors. They often appear under "Abortion Alternatives," and may have names similar to abortion clinics nearby in order to confuse patients into entering their buildings instead of the real clinics.

Once you enter a CPC, their mission is to prevent you from getting an abortion at any cost. They will use misleading language, delay tactics, emotional manipulation, intimidation, and outright lies to either persuade you against abortion or to make you miss your appointment. The worst part? It's all completely legal and funded by federal dollars.

CPCs do their best to appear as legitimate abortion clinics, so how can you tell which is which? Here is a list of red flags for CPCs:

  • The words "crisis" or "resource" appear in the center's name
  • Their ads use language like "Pregnant & Scared?"
  • They offer free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds
  • When asked if they provide abortions or contraception, they will not give a direct answer
  • The waiting room has biased pamphlets, sometimes with graphic pictures labeled as abortions
  • They attempt to make you feel guilty about considering abortion
  • They offer baby items, such as diapers and formula
  • They downplay the effectiveness of contraception and emphasize abstinence
  • They emphasize the dangers of abortion (Fact: fewer than 0.3% of patients experience complications requiring hospitalization)
  • They discuss the false connections between abortion and breast cancerinfertility, or mental illness, often referred to as post-abortion stress syndrome
  • Regardless of how you talk about the pregnancy, they refer to "your baby," the "preborn child," "post-abortive women," and say that you are "already a mother."

More on CPCs

How to Identify CPCs

Beware of Fake Clinics

Crisis Pregnancy Centers: An Affront to Choice

CPC Warning Stickers

A list of licensed abortion clinics in the United States can be found on the Abortion Assistance Blog.

theatlantic: A Visual Guide to the Gender Diversity of the...


A Visual Guide to the Gender Diversity of the Senate's Hearing on Sexual Assault in the Military

[Image: C-SPAN]

abaldwin360: skepticalavenger: atheistrose: godlessmen: The...





The all wise, all powerful "God" as seen by rednecks…

I'd like to correct this:

"God, send us someone to cure AIDS, cancer, etc., etc."

"I did, but you gave them a substandard education because they lived in an area with poor funding due to low property taxes.  I did, but you let them die because they couldn't afford healthcare.  I did, but due to racism you stomped out their potential and didn't give them the same opportunities.  I did, but you make a college education too unaffordable while giving the big bankers passes.  I did, but you saw a homeless youth before you saw a kid with potential.  I did, but you kicked the downtrodden while they were already shoulder deep in sinking sand."

THIS COMMENT!!!!!  ^^^

YES! That comment!!!

manuxinhace: Fox News talks about working mothers' negative...


Fox News talks about working mothers' negative impact on their children. AKA "When Fox News gets so misogynistic that their own anchor is 1026% done with them." [x]

So glad we finally got some gifs of Megyn Kelly raging and laying down facts.

Dear E.W. Jackson: Giving Me Birth Control Access Isn't the Same as Burning a Cross on My Lawn

Dear E.W. Jackson: Giving Me Birth Control Access Isn't the Same as Burning a Cross on My Lawn:


My latest at RHRC

Oh..my..God (face plant)

"It's one of those ineluctable patterns in American political culture. As I wrote in 2004 upon Ronald..."

"It's one of those ineluctable patterns in American political culture. As I wrote in 2004 upon Ronald Reagan's death: "each generation of nonconservatives sees the right-wingers of its own generation as the scary ones, then chooses to remember the right-wingers of the last generation as sort of cuddly. In 1964, observers horrified by Barry Goldwater pined for the sensible Robert Taft, the conservative leader of the 1950s. When Reagan was president, liberals spoke fondly of sweet old Goldwater. Nowadays, as we grapple with the malevolence of President Bush, it's Reagan we remember as the sensible one." As, thus, does Robert Dole: in today's Republican Party, "Reagan wouldn't have made it." And now, like clockwork, Bob Dole volunteers Bob Dole as the cuddly one, thereby basking in the pundits' lionization of Bob Dole. Bob Dole!"


Laugh of the Week: Bob Dole as a Tribune of Civility | The Nation (via dendroica)


Ronald Reagan was a lot of things, but sensible wasn't one of them.

Ronald Reagan, Enabler of Atrocities »

Ronald Reagan's Legacy: Homelessness in America

(via reagan-was-a-horrible-president)

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right..."

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them."

- Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor (via cabbitfood)

Lindy West: If Comedy Has No Lady Problem, Why Am I Getting So Many Rape Threats?

Lindy West: If Comedy Has No Lady Problem, Why Am I Getting So Many Rape Threats?:

Oh goodie, you guys. We get to do the "no but for real, rape jokes aren't funny and saying that doesn't threaten your freedom of speech" runaround again. This time, Jezebel's Lindy West is caught in the crossfire: she had the audacity to go on TV and say rape jokes aren't funny, so naturally, the internet has responded by calling her names, threatening to rape her, and saying she's too fat/ugly/lesbionic/man-hating to get raped.

I lost a lot of followers when I said Tosh shouldn't have made a rape joke. And I'm prepared to lose followers over this issue again. Do. Not. Care. The facts are these:

  • The comedy industry has a serious problem with representation by women.
  • People in the comedy industry - Louis CK on The Daily Show, W. Kamau Bell on Totally Biased - think feminists are anti-comedy because we object to forcing rape survivors to laugh at their jokes.
  • Somehow every fucking person in America becomes a Constitutional scholar when they get challenged on telling rape jokes. "What about my freedom of speech?" The First Amendment starts with "the government shall make no law…" which means that unless someone proposes a law against rape jokes you can go ahead and shut the fuck up.

Here's the thing: There is no comedy slippery slope from saying "rape jokes aren't OK" to there being NO MORE JOKES EVER AGAIN. We're not saying don't joke about murder or the Holocaust because you know what? Those things are taken seriously. Rape is not. Look at the rape statistics in the military, in America, in the world. Look at how rape is used as a tool of power against women. Look at how women are punished and demeaned with rape. Look at the dearth of resources for survivors. There are no museums to rape survivors. There are no monuments commemorating its victims. There are no walls with victims' names carved in stone. Its victims are everywhere, and silenced, and taunted, and second-guessed, and dismissed. When people start telling the families of murder victims "but some people find the idea of murder sexy," we'll talk about murder jokes.

We don't want you to joke about rape because joking is the only time you ever talk about rape. And it's very, very rarely a joke about rape culture (which are allowed, even by us evil laughter-hating feminazis), and much more often a joke about someone you'd like to rape, or someone who deserves to get raped, or using "rape" as a funny verb because it's a funny word to say. It usually triggers memories for people who went through a traumatic event and had no recourse against the person who perpetrated it or the society that all but encouraged it. Why would you do that on purpose? What's funny or edgy about that? It's lazy comedy.

So, again: stop joking about rape. Stop saying that feminists - who have almost zero representation at movie studios, TV executive boardrooms, comedy stand-up spots, and nighttime television - are threatening the comedy industry by saying a small percentage of the jokes are aggressively unfunny. Stop telling victims they have to laugh at your bad "jokes." Just. Stop.

blua: If you're unemployed, it's not because there isn't any...


If you're unemployed, it's not because there isn't any work.

Just look around: A housing shortage, crime, pollution; we need better schools and parks. Whatever our needs, they all require work. And as long as we have unsatisfied needs, there's work to be done.

So ask yourself, what kind of world has work but no jobs? It's a world where work is not related to satisfying our needs, a world where work is only related to satisfying the profit needs of business.

This country was not built by the huge corporations or government bureaucracies. It was built by people who work. And, it is working people who should control the work to be done. Yet, as long as employment is tied to somebody else's profits, the work won't get done.

nationalpost: Woman in red dress, sprayed with tear gas by...


Woman in red dress, sprayed with tear gas by masked policeman, becomes symbol for Turkish protesters 
In her red cotton summer dress, necklace and white bag slung over her shoulder she might have been floating across the lawn at a garden party; but before her crouches a masked policeman firing tear gas spray that sends her long hair billowing upwards.

Taken in Taksim Square in central Istanbul on May 28, the image has been endlessly shared on social media.

The woman in red has even been replicated as a cartoon on posters and stickers and has become a symbol for female protesters during days of violent anti-government demonstrations in Istanbul.

Some posters show the woman towering over a police officer and say "the more they spray, the bigger we get." (Osman Orsal / Reuters)

An Abortion by Any Other Name: Beatriz and the Global Anti-Choice Spin Machine

An Abortion by Any Other Name: Beatriz and the Global Anti-Choice Spin Machine:


Beatriz had a hysterotomy, a form of abortion carried out through c-section, and a procedure of such high risk compared to other forms of abortion, and of such last resort, according to medical experts, it is practically never performed in the United States. What is known beyond a doubt is that having forced Beatriz into a situation of having a late abortion, the government of El Salvador, Catholic Bishops, and anti-choice groups in the country (and those supporting them from the outside) unquestionably privileged a non-viable fetus over the life and long-term health of the primary patient, a woman who wanted to—in fact begged to—live.

In parroting what anti-choicers and the government of El Salvador are saying, many media outlets are glossing over and ignoring what actually happened in El Salvador. As a result, otherwise highly regarded media sources such as the New York Times, Salon, the Associated PressThe Guardian, and Reuters are helping to perpetuate lies that defy both medical evidence and public health data and that support dangerous policies under women all over the world continue to lose their lives.

Wow, look at the linked headlines. They're all about how she delivered the baby and it died. No. They performed an abortion and removed a fetus that would never live to save its mother's life. Beatriz's life was saved thanks to an abortion.

Read this again: "…unquestionably privileged a non-viable fetus over the life and long-term health of the primary patient…" That's what happened. The government, the church, and pro-lifers said it was more important that a non-viable fetus be brought to term than it was to save a woman's life. This is why pro-choicers say you don't care about the woman. This is why pro-choicers say pro-lifers only care about the fetus. Because shit like this is still happening everywhere. Every law we make against abortion puts more women into an unthinkable situation like Beatriz's.

chescaleigh: This past Memorial Day weekend, while walking home...


This past Memorial Day weekend, while walking home from work, twin brothers Aaron and Kristin were brutally attacked around 3 am Sunday in the LES by approximately 10-12 men.  Despite eyewitnesses and surveillance video of the attack, the NYPD were quick to label the attack "gang related" and close the case without any investigation. When Aaron's girlfriend, Cipriana followed up with police a day after the attack she was told that the twins said they did not want an investigation and would "handle it themselves". Knowing this was untrue, Cipriana encouraged Aaron to contact the police and ask them to pursue the investigation.

When Aaron spoke with police and explained that they did in fact want an investigation he was told he could "face jail time for lying". It wasn't until Cipriana took to her blog, urbanbushbabes.com to write about the attack and the lack of police investigation that the press took note (NY Post & Fox 5) and the police suddenly changed their tune. Now the NYPD claims the case was never closed and has labeled it a hate crime.

We really need your help to get this story out and to get justice for the twins. Here's how you can help:

• Sign the change.org petition to hold the NYPD & Internal Affairs Bureau Liable for their misconduct in the handling of Aaron and Kristin's case

Click here to tweet about the petition using the #justice4twins hashtag

• Reblog and share this post

• Tweet this story to media influencers like @MHarrisPerry @TheRevAl @ClutchMagazine @blackvoices and @thinkprogress

read and share the full story and video from Cipriana's blog

freemasonic-yowl: militantbyexistence: madriche: wordsaretimel...






[All Innocent. All Killed. All Black. All Unarmed.]

- Aiyana Stanley

- Amadou Diallo

- Corey Brown

- DeAunta Terrel Farrow

- Derrick Jones

- Emmett Till

- Guy Jarreau Jr.

- Jimmell Cannon

- Kenneth Harding

- Kiwane Carrington

- Orlando Barlow

- Oscar Grant

- Ousmane Zongo

- Patrick Dorismond

- Ramarley Graham

- Reginald Doucet

- Rekia Boyd

- Ronald Madison

- Sean Bell

- Steven Eugene Washington

- Tarika Wilson

- Travares McGill

- Trayvon Martin

- Victor Steen

- Wendell Allen

never forget them. remember these names like you do Anne Frank.

I'm adding Alan Blueford to this…

senselessly murdered by the Oakland Police Department, specifically Miguel Masso [a former NYPD officer]…




  • Jordan Russell Davis
  • Chavis Carter
  • Kimani Gray

plannedparenthood: No surprise: Teen pregnancy rates are highest in states that teach only...



No surprise: Teen pregnancy rates are highest in states that teach only abstinence or don't offer sex education at all.

via Think Progress

"But think about the [Great] Depression. That was before there was any welfare state at all. How many..."

"But think about the [Great] Depression. That was before there was any welfare state at all. How many people starved? No one."


Fox's Jon Stossel advocating cuts to social welfare programs because "no one starved" during the Great Depression. To this, Steve Doocy responds, "right, good point."

The number of cases of starvation in New York City alone increased from 20 in 1931 to 110 in 1934.

(via reallyfoxnews)

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