#closetoparadise #patrickwatson what a masterpiece
#closetoparadise #patrickwatson what a masterpiece
I should probably introduce myself then, my name's Anthony Kiedis People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and am what some people call mentally retarded
References on references
sebabug: tankyxo: marfmellow: andjesuswept: knowledgeequalsbl...
An ABC6 crew was on assignment in Providence when they were assaulted in broad daylight. It started with a simple question that led to a violent response. The crew was on Public Street in Providence, attempting to get reaction from the mother of the teenage girl who was shot at a graduation party over the weekend.
Instead of declining to speak on-camera, Melissa Lawrence replied "OK, that's good," and then suddenly hurled a rock at ABC6 photographer Marc Jackson. The rock just missed the photographer's head. The crew then started to leave, but Lawrence came out wielding a baseball bat. She then told her two dogs to attack.sdajkshdjkasdhaskjdhkasjdhkasjdhasjkdhaksjdhkasjfhkjgfsjkgfasdhasdjasvdjusdvfabalsmd; sjfksdnjif ASDJFNJASDHAUISDIUASVASIVSGBSDK;FLAN;SAD;LAMS;DKNASKL;DNAFPAINFIPN
ha! That's what you get for trying to exploit people's bad situations. I'm not even going to look at the youtube comments because I know they're going to put the nosy, annoying white reporter as the poor, attacked hero and make some comments about how aggressive and ghetto black women are.
I applaud this woman.
I'm peeping this persons body language and you can tell it was NEVER an interview. You SET UP an interview - you don't just come to someones house when you want and question them about the news of their CHILDS MURDERER turning himself in. This is some entitled ass white people shit y'all, to think you can be in front of someones fucking house and be REPEATEDLY ASKED TO LEAVE and DO NOT LEAVE and then FEIGN VICTIMIZATION AFTER THE PERSON YOU WERE VICTIMIZING IN THE FIRST PLACE NO LONGER TAKES YOUR ABUSE.
The way these reporters are crying poor pitiful me is fucking ridiculous. This lady just lost a daughter, and you're gonna come up on her property and ask all kinds of questions about her child's murderer? You deserve being chased down the street by dogs. You deserve having rocks thrown at you. It just makes me sad though, because city officials are probably going to take those dogs and euthanize them because they bit that reporter. Fuck them.
I know they wouldn't have pulled that bullshit if the lady was white.
Exploitation at it's finest.
She seriously got what was coming to her. I just hope the mother doesn't have to lose her dogs too. They put down any dog that shows aggression, especially pit bulls. And after losing your kid that is the last thing you need.
You're all fucked, she was doing her job and proceeded to leave after the rock was thrown, everything after that is someone getting out of hand. The question was obviously a touchy subject but she could've handled that situation not so extreme.
"I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met..."
""I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet.""- Rodney Dangerfield (via raspberrying)
we should go get coffee sometime, talk about fine literature and good music... Then watch anchorman and step brothers to appreciate memorable lines and humor, or go fishing, either one
I'm not a coffee drinker, but that sounds like a great sequence of things to do, so by all means, I'm down.
pretty sure we could be best friends, went through your fave movies saw howls moving castle then one of your fave series is fma, you have a good vibe I can already tell, did you ever give Eddie vedders into the wild album a listen? It's pretty good, society and guaranteed are top notch/ the eraser-Thom Yorke is bliss and thoughts on Patrick Watson? Apologies, I know it's alot aha
Yeah Into The Wild's a great album, I'd definitely need to check it out again but I remember being initially impressed. Thom Yorke's also great. I've heard a little of Patrick Watson, and Slip Into Your Skin is literally one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.
I like your indie/classic playlist, you have good taste you 'obscure cock sucking fucker'
Hey, you too, I've been meaning too add onto that sometime because I'm always finding new shit.
josh homme vs Chris Cornell (personally I like qotsa over audioslave)
Soundgarden and Audioslave are both great but QOTSA and Them Crooked Vultures have such a better sound in my opinion, Josh Homme seems like an asshole, but I like his music more.
The Purge
The Purge:The Purge actually looks so fucking stupid. The idea seems interesting, but then when you see immediately that the homeless man who needs to be saved is "conveniently black" and the kid who saves him is conveniently white and from an affluent family, and somehow the black man is the one that's bringing all the trouble to the family… Of course all the rich white people stay out of trouble, and of course The Purge is meant to rid of all the bad, and of course in this case, it's a black man. Like what? Get over yourself, DeMonaco.
You're over-thinking it.
exodisi: Wat
tastefullyoffensive: 9 Cats Taking Selfies
9 Cats Taking Selfies
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